The Kirkconnel, Kelloholm & Sanquhar Participatory Budget 2021
Kirkconnel and Kelloholm Development Trust are delighted to bring this funding opportunity to the communities of Kirkconnel, Kelloholm and Sanquhar.
This budget is made possible via funding allocated by Supporting Communities and Community Wind Power.
KKS PB 2021 Fund
Public Voting
Kirkconnel and Kelloholm Development Trust are excited to publicise the twelve successful applications/projects that have been passed by the ‘Scoring Panel’ to go through to our next phase in the KKS PB 2021 Fund – The Public Voting Round.
Below you can find all 13 finalists and the link to download the ballot paper.
Either you can download and print your Ballot Paper to post in person using the boxes provided at the following premises: Kirkconnel Premier Store, Kelloholm Nisa Store, Kelloholm Coop also A’the Airts, Browns Newsagents and McColl’s in Sanquhar.
Alternatively, Ballot Papers will also be available alongside the Ballot Boxes. Or, you can email your completed Ballot Paper to
Tai Chi
Tai Chi has many health and wellbeing benefits. We are a welcoming and nurturing network. Vote for us and help our members to keep up a healthy physical and mental exercise habit and attract more people to join a vibrant and supportive community – by: increasing our online teaching to give longer sessions and make shareable class.
The Cabin – Thursday Lunch Club
Vote for Us! Together we’ll reduce social isolation, loneliness and ensure that our elderly and vulnerable receive a hot nutritious meal every week. As well as support the Wednesday Friendship Group and the Thursday Drop In. We aim to return to normality and welcome folks back to The Cabin when it is safe to reopen.
Nigel Henderson Court – Residents Social Club
Vote for our Residents Social Group and help to prevent feelings of isolation and depression. Inclusion and social interaction is very important. Our communal lounge has been closed for several months please help us to provide stimulation and interesting activites. We are hoping to have the visit of a Punch and Judy show later in the year.
Sanquhar Community Centre – Covid Restart
We need your help to allow the committee of Sanquhar Community Centre to prepare for our Covid-19 Restart and open up in line with Scottish Government guidance.
Your vote will help us get funding to support our planned opening and help us purchase equipment such as hand sanitizing stations/dispensers, fogging machine and signage etc. to be Covid-19 safe.
VP Furniture Project – St Conal’s Cemetery
We need your votes to help us to improve 250m of the main footpath at St Conal’s Cemetery. St Conal, the auld kirk and the cemetery have all long since been associated with the history of our beautiful area which is rich in both heritage and culture. Let’s future proof this auld path for generations to come.
K&K Community Council – Seating Area
During the COVID pandemic residents young and old explored the beautiful walks on offer locally.
Kirkconnel and Kelloholm Community Council wish to provide resting places (benches) and planters across the community e.g. site of the old A76 Bus Shelter.
Vote for us to improve and enhance the appearance of well known walking areas to encourage further enjoyment of the outdoors.
Kirkconnel Parish Heritage Society – Paths/Walkway
Kirkconnel and Kelloholm Parish Heriage Society are very conscious that due to increased use and in some cases vanadalism (particularly along Mavis Bank), many of the paths and walkways need some attention to ensure that they are safe for users. This includes improvements to the walking surface, repair and installation of hand rails and edgings. Make your vote count!
The Good Share/Food Share – Health & Wellbeing Centre
Equipment/Resources for Projects/Actvities/Workshops/Skills Share/A Tool/Things Lending Library – A Vote for Us will help us to continue creating all sorts of community sharing opportunities and source various skills, equipment and materials to contribute to and support with various community-based projects, events and activities. The ethos of sharing never grows old and it’s good for all of us and our planet.
Kello Rovers – Changing Rooms Feasibility Study
Damage sustained to the Kello Rovers FC changing rooms highlighted the state of the building overall. Our changing rooms are over 50 years old and as the club returns to playing after the pandemic we need to look at the feasibility of upgrading the facilities including the provision of a disability toilet.
Please vote for us!
Clarks Little Ark – Inclusive Picnic Area
Our aim is to create an inclusive picnic area for everybody to enjoy when they visit Clarks Little Ark.
We’ve been busy finishing our accessible playpark and would love to be able to add these finishing touches a vote for our project will help us to purchase and site these fabulous recycled durable wheelchair accessible picnic tables.
Sanquhar & District Silver Band
Help us to Return to Playing! Our Band Hall desperately need your votes, as funding is needed to help us be Covid safe. We need to replace our existing windows with panels that can open and close to create air circulation and buy sanitising materials and covers for all of our instruments that can be easily cleaned.
Nithsdale Wanderers Pavilion
The South of Scotland new football season is due to start, and as Covid 19 restrictions begin to ease the club will be able to allow organisations, groups and members of the community to hold functions.
Vote for us and help us ensure the facilities including the changing rooms, toilets and lounge can be made Covid 19 Safe.
The Town of Sanquhar –
A vote for us will us to create and host a website to promote all that Sanquhar and it’s surrounding area have to offer. We’d also like to create our own merchadise, produce information leaflets that inform and
celebrate all that is going on in our community.